Feb 2024: A Metal Round Up


Paludarium - Oxalaia

Surprisingly catchy black metal with a shoegaze shine from Costa Rica. Also there’s a Dinosaur on the album art. I don’t know how to sell this more.

DUNGEÖN - Dunge​ö​n

There’s a time in every young man’s life where he simply must listen to some ignorant shit. This UK sludge, coming from the moldiest, most weed infested corners of the worst basement in Bristol, is exactly the ignorant shit I need.

De spiegel - Morvigor

The Dutch, it turns out, are our best providers of the more dramatic side of black metal.


Music to (probably) usher in the apocalypse to. Or do some Ukranian black metal version of The Wicker Man. Either way, sign me up.

Devotion - Frail Body

We get this an Infant Island in quarter 1 of the year. What a time to be sad and alive.

Worshiped in Vain - Angel Massacre

Recorded on an easy-bake oven? Check. Album art work from that one edgy atheist in your 8th grade bio class? Check. Head banging riffs? Oh you best believe check.

Dream Of A Manikin - Daedalia

The Woodhouse will recommend at least one metal album a month that sounds like the last growls of a dying god evaporating into the void.

An Enigmatic Creation - Aesthetic

Church bells, underrated instrument for truly nasty tech death.

Pleroma Mortem Est - Monovoth

Doomy, meditative shit from Argentina of all places.

floriografia - Well Hell

Gloomy, depressing but strangely vibrant doom. A band to keep an eye on.