Trust Fund

We open by discussing an Irish goodbye vs a French exit.

The phraseology is different but the outcome is the same; “Leaving the Party Early.” The first song on Trust Fund’s excellent Has it Been A While? and a perfect introduction to the introspection, paradoxes, and uncertainty all coming from a core human experience: terrified of being known, and knowing that’s the only way to be loved. Trust Fund ringleader Ellis Jones’ dexterous guitar work follows him through philosophical discussions entwined with urban decay and never ending construction. It’s easy enough to agree with Nietzsche when your city is covered in scaffolding, the local housing authority swearing it’ll be done soon. But just as many revelations come in small personal moments like a holiday shattered by grief (“In the Air”) or the contradiction duet of “The Mirror.” Has it Been A While? is Trust Fund’s first album in 6 years, and its beauty and natural curiosity feel miraculous. We talked to Jones below.